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 Allergic reactions have happened with Humalog (insulin lispro (U100) vials) Rarely, some reactions can be very bad or lifethreatening Talk with the doctor Low blood sugar may happen with Humalog (insulin lispro (U100) vials) Very low blood sugar can lead to seizures, passing out, long lasting brain damage, and sometimes death Common strengths of insulin used in dogs and cats are referred to as U100 or U40 "U" stands for unit The numbers 40 or 100 refer to how much insulin (the number of units) is in a set volume of fluid – which, in this case, is one milliliter (1 ml) referred to as units per ml For example, U100 insulin has 100 units per milliliter and U40 has 40 units per milliliterIf you are using a regular insulin syringe like the kind used for U100 insulin, the markings each correspond to onefifth of a U500 unit So, if you are taking 100 units of U500 in an insulin syringe, you would draw insulin from the vial up to the mark (100 ÷ 5 = )

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