++ 50 ++ 90/60 bp meaning 221698

 Hypotension is a decrease in systemic blood pressure below accepted low values While there is not an accepted standard hypotensive value, pressures less than 90/60 are recognized as hypotensive Hypotension is a relatively benign condition that is underrecognized mainly because it is typically asymptomatic It only becomes a concern once pumping pressure isReadings above 180 systolic pressure indicate a hypertensive crisis even if your diastolic pressure is between 90 and 99 This is because the worse reading is used when systolic and diastolic pressure fall into different ranges Extremely high blood pressure can cause headache, nausea, vision changes, mental confusion, chest painYour blood pressure What blood pressure readings mean As you can see from the blood pressure chart, only one of the numbers has to be higher or lower than it should be to count as either high blood pressure or low blood pressure 90 over 60 (90/60) or less You may have low blood pressure More on low blood pressure

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90/60 bp meaning

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